

Custom Service Inquiry

Whether you are a pharmaceutical company, a research institution, or a business with specific chemical needs, Custom Synthesis is here to provide the tailored chemistry solutions you require. Contact us today to discuss your custom synthesis needs, request a quote, or explore our diverse portfolio of services. We are eager to become your trusted partner in the world of custom chemistry.

Experience the Custom Synthesis difference, where precision and innovation converge to create chemical solutions that are truly one-of-a-kind.

reach us @ sales@p-scientific.com

Intermediates & API's

At Prince Scientific, we are your trusted partner in the world of pharmaceutical innovation. With a strong commitment to quality and a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical intermediates and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), we serve as a vital link in the pharmaceutical supply chain, supporting research, development, and manufacturing endeavours.

reach us @ sales@p-scientific.com

Speciality and Rare & Research Chemicals

At Prince Scientific, we are proud to be your premier source for specialty, rare, and research chemicals. With a steadfast commitment to innovation and an extensive catalog of unique chemical compounds, we serve as a vital resource for laboratories, research institutions, and industries that demand the extraordinary.

Experience the Prince Scientifc difference, where quality and precision converge with innovation, making us your premier choice for specialty, rare, and research chemicals.

reach us @ sales@p-scientific.com